Purity Ring's "Ungirthed" has been out in the sonic stratosphere for some time now, the undiminished addictiveness of Megan James' "ears ringing, teeth clicking" vocal hook still as smooth and fresh as when it first dropped. Purity Ring is, from what we've gathered, a side project of hyper-pop, chiptune-lover Gobble Gobble, whose "Lawn Knife" and "Wrinklecarver" cuts from 2010 gathered a huge amount of blog play:
Latest tracks by PURITY RING
Gobble Gobble - Lawn Knives by Electrocorp.fr
Gobble Gobble - Wrinklecarver by nmcollins

This remix comes via Bandcamp-signee Christian AIDS, an anonymous Manchester crew who like to put listeners in earshot of spectral divas howling through ghostly dancefloor delirium. For reference, check out "Fever" below:
And the video for "Scum":
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